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Medical Power Supply
In today's society, with the continuous progress of science and technology, an increasing number of modern medical devices have experienced rapid development. Especially for electronic instruments that come into direct contact with the human body, there is a growing emphasis not only on the performance requirements of the instruments but also on considerations regarding human safety. For instance, instruments closely connected to the human body, such as cardiac puncture monitors, ultrasound devices, maternal and infant monitors, infant warmers, life support monitors, etc., must ensure that patients using these instruments are not exposed to any risk of electric shock or other dangers.
Medical electronics, in contrast to consumer electronics and other low-cost product application areas of electronics and power electronics aimed at the general public, has to comply with many more rules. For design engineers responsible for the system power design in medical electronics, one of the first considerations for the power supply part is whether to buy or manufacture a solution. Due to the generally lower production volume of medical electronics, design engineers must weigh the decision to purchase or make. Designers of medical electronics rarely consider designing offline power supplies themselves. This is because the investment required for such specialized design and testing is not proportionate to the final production scale, and equipment manufacturers may find it difficult or impossible to spread the investment made during the design phase over the production volume. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to directly purchase power supplies from companies that already have the necessary professional design capabilities and testing technologies.
Products Provided by Highlight:
High-Frequency Transformers, High-Frequency Inductors,Power Frequency Reactors (Plug-in).