High-End Industry

Milla Jojovitch

Rail Transit Power Supply

Direct Current (DC) Rail Circuit: This rail circuit uses a primary battery or storage battery as its power source. The characteristics of this rail circuit include a reliable power source, a simple circuit and component structure, but it requires significant maintenance effort.

Rail Transit Power Supply

Direct Current (DC) Rail Circuit: This rail circuit uses a primary battery or storage battery as its power source. The characteristics of this rail circuit include a reliable power source, a simple circuit and component structure, but it requires significant maintenance effort. It has poor resistance to stray current interference and may not perform well when affected by the capacitive storage effect of the rail circuit. Therefore, its application is relatively limited.

Electronic High Voltage Pulse Rail Circuit Alternating Current (AC) Rail Circuit: This rail circuit uses AC power as its source. The key features of this rail circuit include good adjustability of power fluctuations and the ability to operate under various and complex conditions, leading to widespread applications. AC rail circuits can be further categorized into frequency rail circuits and non-frequency rail circuits based on the frequency of rail current.

Products Provided by Highlight:

High-Frequency Transformers, High-Frequency Inductors,Power Frequency Reactors (Plug-in).

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